Thursday, January 8, 2009

Finally, an update!

Okay, so a few people have been hassling us for more updates so we'll try to keep things up to date. Here is the latest news, school has started again. It is Amanda's last semester and we're both way excited for her to graduate. She also started her new job teaching a class of 4 year old and the Weber State children's school. We are both taking a full load of classes and should be busy with that but the nice thing is that now that Amanda has her new job we are both home evenings and weekends and can see each other more than we did last semester.
The holidays were great! Lots of good food, fun, family and presents. Our first Christmas being married was sweet. That is a picture of the gifts under our tree. Amanda did a really good job of decorating it.


Kandice said...

Hey there! We're really good. Just moved back to Utah. How is the life of a newly wed? Congrats!

Shai Brown said...

oh my gosh it''s so good to hear from you! I've been thinking about you lately. I called Amy a few months ago to get everyone's email, but as you can see haven't emailed yet. How've you guys been?

twede said...

Amanda! How in the heck are you? I'm glad you found my blog. I had heard you got married. So where are you now? We are coming up to Bountiful in 3 weeks for Brent's wedding. You and Pam should come, it's at the Eldredge House. Email me for time and date and all

Shai Brown said...

time for another update....