Thursday, April 24, 2008

Blogo Numero Uno

To blog or not to blog, that is the question. We were once asked this question and we responded with a resounding YES!!! Seriously though, everyone else has a blog, and we felt left out!!! So alas. here we are. First things first, as of today there are only 79 more days til we're hitched. It's forever away! Right now we are trying to figure out where and when to take our engagement pictures, but we are sorta procrastinating cuz finals are upon us and taking up tons of time and we are starting our blog, also time consuming. Amanda's foot just feel asleep cuz she was sitting on it. What a nerd! Anyways, back to the blog. We are also currently searching out a place of residence in or around Ogden, preferably not near the inner city because Amanda's dad is scared due to recent gang activity seen in a recent TV episode about the Utah prison system. Apparently Ogden is not the safest place in Utah to live. Who knew? But Matt has decided to buy "some heat" ( a gun, for the less informed) to defend the homestead. But, he mostly just wants a gun so he can shoot things, the protection part is just an excuse to get one!

"End of Discussion"- Tony Almeida, CTU-Los Angeles


macattak17 said...

AAAHHH, look at the two of you. What a perfect couple. I am so glad I hooked you two up

raregear21 said...

"i see dead people"... and they are face down in claudes front yard, with arrows in there back.
.beware of the house of claude.

pamela84087 said...

Aah how sweet!! You better put a link to my blog on yours.

Benjamin Clark Toland said...

Claude and Claude's wife.... Nice blog.

Broadhead Family said...

Hey Amanda its Amy- your long lost roommate! I am glad you joined the blog world- I have only been a blogger for about 3 weeks and I like it. I am excited for you to get married- you two are really cute!! Hope to see you soon!!

Karen said...

Hey Amanda,
This is Karen - your other long lost roommate. I also live in Ogden and it isn't scary. I haven't had one scary thing happen. Tyson and I are in Washington Terrace renting a basement apartment. This area is cheap, safe, and close to Weber State. I would highly recommend looking for an apartment in Washington Terrace. Congratulations on the engagement!